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ELECTROTECHNIKI S.A., committed to the high standards it has set since its establishment, follows all the rules of health and safety based on the National and European legislation.

Quality control

ELECTROTECHNIKI S.A. offers high standard services that are validated by the certificate of the Quality Management System EN ISO 9001: 2015.

ISO 9001_10cm trans

The scope of organization ELECTROTECHNIKI S.A. is the Construction, Maintenance and Repair of Electrical Works in Factories, Industries, Projects for Generation, Transport and Distribution of Electrical Energy, Commonwealth Projects, Telecommunications.


Basic principle and commitment of each executive and employee of ELECTROTECHNIKI S.A. is the rendering of services fully complied with the contractual requirements and expectations of its clients, the compliance with the legislative and regulatory requirements of undertaken projects and the achievement of Quality Targets that are set. ELECTROTECHNIKI S.A. acknowledges its responsibility for full commitment of satisfying the requirements of whom it may concern. This recognition refers to the assurance that its operation will not put at any risk the interested parties.    


To achieve the above, the Administration of ELECTROTECNIKI S.A.:


  • Has developed and implements a Quality Management System that fully meets the requirements of ISO 9001:2015.


  • Adheres to documented information and sets the conditions for the achievement of quality targets. 


  • Reviews and constantly improves its projects outcomes, where possible, as well as the effectiveness of its processes and by extension its Quality Management System, aiming at its continuous improvement. 


  • Sets countable and definite targets for Quality in all Organization levels.


  • Provides all the necessary resources for the proper and efficient operation of each Department for the purpose of achieving its targets. 


  • Invests in continuous staff training as well as encourages each employee, targeting in banner performance of each operation.


  • Monitors, measures and evaluates the processes that affect Organization’s operation.


  • Reviews and improves the Quality Management System.


Setting as guiding principle the constant improvement, which is achieved through combined effort, participation and information, ELECTROTECHNIKI S.A., employs its long work history and invests in constructions quality and in gratitude and satisfaction of its clients and interested parties. 


APRIL 2019

The General Manager

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